Caguitas River Bridge

Jardin Botanico de Caguas, Puerto Rico

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Construction Images , Aug - Oct 2007


Carroll unloads the container.



Austin excavates holes for the earth anchors.



Forms take shape in the hole.



Marty bares his teeth after a long day in the cage.


Jimmy suffers from some local fare.



50 Meter boom truck spans the creek.


Brandon positions an earth anchor.



Brandon sets the first tower leg.


An iguana checks out the excavations.



Austin and Gabe prepare to cut the main lines.


Austin pours a main line socket.



Brandon pulls in the first main line.


Brandon hangs suspenders at midspan.



Stringers going out.


Austin and Gabe tighten the diagonals.



The decking starts its way across.


The view from the east tower.



The decking nears the west tower.


The deck is secured.



A view from below.


Brandon and Gabe check alignment.



A view from downstream.


The bridge nears completion.


Austin finds the biggest caterpillar around. (pseudosphinx tetrio)

Carroll and Austin install the plaque.


The streamlined cable railing system.

Brandon and Gabe supply the finishing touches.