Drift Creek Bridge, OR

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Moving Kubota excavator over canyon on skyline                     Excavator on skyline above falls


Fabricating south tower


Form for north tower footing                     Tilting north tower leg into position


Bridge builder Jim Lemieux at tower top                     Skyline carriage and mainlines above Drift Creek


Keith and Loren Barton in personnel basket               The next generation bridge builder:  Nephew Austin Thompson assembling hardware


Kim Vogel working on south tower and ramp                     Moving Kubota back across mainspan after suspender installation


The next generation bridge builder:  Nephew Bryce Thompson installing decking                     Truss section ready for installation


Moving truss sections into position                     Keith Monohan working from bosun's chair


Kevin Monohan working on deck, 100' above Drift Creek                     Installing upriver wind cable.


Completed Drift Creek Bridge


Completed bridge from below                     Completed bridge from above


Scott Paul Dedication Plaque