Lullwater Bridge Emory University, Atlanta, GA Click on any image to go back to the Lullwater Bridge Specifications Page Construction Images, 2008
Preliminary site survey; Carroll Vogel and Martin Walz finding the centerline.
North bridge abutment, in paint.
North bridge abutment, in wood. Austin Thompson demonstrating the use of a hammer.
Austin cutting up reinforcing steel for forming abutments.
North bridge abutment, in steel. Martin and Austin at work.
North bridge abutment, leveled, prepped and ready.
North bridge abutment, in concrete.
South bridge abutment, precast blocks being stacked to form a footing for the south tower.
South bridge abutment, precast blocks reburied. The south abutment will be formed and cast on this foundation.
More digging; Martin and Austin excavating an anchor site.
Carroll and Aaron Nelson rock drilling at the anchorage.
Out of the holes and off to the showers: Invited to dine at the Emory University President's Tudor-Gothic revival-style mansion.
Brooming the ends of the bridge strand A586 mainlines, preparing to bathe the ends in muriatic acid.
Bridge strand mainline ends seized, puttied, stripped, fitted in the bridge bowl, and hung for pouring.
Molten zinc poured over the broomed mainline ends, socketing the bridge bowl.
Martin Walz makes a friend. It is a shiny green bug.
Aaron Nelson makes a friend. It is a mother goose.
Austin Thompson makes a friend. It is a bashful turtle.
Carroll Vogel makes a friend. It is a hollow ram cylinder jack. Now everyone has a friend. (He is preparing to test rock anchors.)
Austin, Marty, and Carroll attach 150KSI Williams rod to a rock anchor; this rod will receive one of the mainline cable ends.
Anchor and anchor rod complete. Tested, painted with two-part epoxy, and ready for burial.
The casual beauty of our work environment.
Setting the first battered tower leg. Carroll in the machine, Marty and Aaron fastening it in place.
Carroll easing the tower legs into place and admiring the work.
Far tower complete; near tower legs installed without crossmembers.
Martin and Austin preparing to receive the first tower crossbeam.
Martin and Aaron mugging for the camera while there are upper tower diagonal beams to be installed.
Martin and Aaron wrestling the second mainline up to the tower-top.
Austin Thompson pulling the socketed mainline end down to its anchor.
Floorbeams and suspender bars staged for casting.
Carroll and Martin casting stringer assemblies out over Peachtree Creek.
Carroll and Martin casting stringers; material and selves secured to the skyline.
Austin in the bosun's chair, receiving material for the fourth set of stringers from Carroll and Martin. Unattached floorbeams hanging in the distance.
Decking complete. Martin surveys the decking; appreciating it, and noting where suspenders require adjustment.
Detail of decking; pultruded I4015 fiberglass pinned with angle iron.
Carroll, Austin and Martin install wire rope and pipe handrails.
Bridge decking and railing complete.
Carroll attaches the Sahale plaque; span, date, and maker's mark.
Oblique view of the Lullwater Bridge. Ken Gilman, pictured.
Lovely under-deck view of the Lullwater Bridge, a beautiful bridge in a beautiful place.
From the left, Ken Gilman, Austin Thompson, Martin Walz, and the photographer, Aaron Nelson. Bridgebuilders first, but also handsome lugs.
Why we build. The Lullwater Bridge, complete.