Patterson Viaduct Bridge

Patapsco River at Ilchester, MD

Click on any image to go back to the Patterson Viaduct Specification Page

Construction Images , 2006


photo by Steve Howell

Existing Abutment on north bank


photo by Steve Howell

Rebecca Willms, Aaron Nelson and Carroll Vogel review the plans


Rebecca and Steve Howell prepare the tower bolts


photo by Steve Howell

Carroll unloads the first tower leg



photo by Steve Howell

Carroll helps maneuver the tower leg into place


photo by Steve Howell

Aaron "Boom-Boom" Nelson operates the crane


Steve seats the tower leg


photo by Carroll Vogel

The second tower leg is raised


photo by Steve Howell

The first crossmembers are installed


photo by Steve Howell

The first tower is completed


photo by Steve Howell

Carroll positions the first piece of truss


photo by Carroll Vogel

Marty Walz attaches a section of truss


photo by Brandon McGinnis

Carroll and Brandon ride another section of truss into place


photo by Steve Howell

Carroll and Brandon align the truss section


Carroll positions a section of truss


photo by Brandon McGinnis

The east truss is complete

photo by Steve Howell

The first section of the west truss goes out


photo by Brandon McGinnis

Steve and Carroll position a section of truss


photo by Brandon McGinnis

Marty installs a section of truss



photo by Carroll Vogel

Brandon McGinnis brings out a section of truss


photo by Steve Howell

The last piece of truss is brought into position


photo by Carroll Vogel

The superstructure is complete


photo by Carroll Vogel

Floor beams are assembled


photo by Steve Howell

Floor beams are staged for installation


photo by Carroll Vogel

The superstructure casts its shadow on the river bottom


photo by Carroll Vogel

The crew takes a much deserved break


photo by Carroll Vogel

Marty tightens fasteners on the upper chord


photo by Carroll Vogel

Decking is installed


photo by Brandon McGinnis

Steve strategizes the next move


photo by Carroll Vogel

Decking makes its way across the bridge


photo by Carroll Vogel

Aaron installs deck boards



photo by Brandon McGinnis

View from below the deck


photo by Carroll Vogel

Patrick O'Donnell takes in the view from the south tower

photo by Steve Howell

Decking nears completion


photo by Brandon McGinnis

View from south tower


photo by Carroll Vogel

Preparing to install deck angle


photo by Carroll Vogel

Brandon tightens fasteners on the upper chord


photo by Carroll Vogel

Rebecca and Aaron install the railing


photo by Brandon McGinnis

Aaron "Boom-Boom" Nelson



photo by Carroll Vogel

The last deck board is put into place

photo by Steve Howell

The railing is complete


photo by Bob Miller

Brandon McGinnis with Carrie and Finn


photo by Carroll Vogel

Community Activist Charles Wagandt and Videographer Bob Miller


photo by Carroll Vogel

Bob Miller with lifetime local resident Russ Ridgley




photo by Carroll Vogel

Bridge nears completion


Bollman truss and Ilchester from south abutment before 1900
(Ellicott Mansion in background)


photo by Carroll Vogel

Present day view from south abutment


View of Bollman truss from up-river before 1900