Redmond Watershed Preserve, 1994-Present

City of Redmond, WA


Sahale has been a trails consultant to the City of Redmond, WA since 1994, for the development and implementation of numerous projects, most notably a master plan for trails at the Redmond Watershed Preserve. The Watershed Preserve is characterized by mature second growth forests, meadows, wetlands, and riparian communities, and serves as a valuable node of protected land within a comprehensive system of regional open space. Two multiple use regional trails bisect the site, connecting the Redmond Watershed Preserve to other parks and protected natural areas within King County, Washington.

Map & brochure courtesy Linda Feltner, Kristi Schwindt-Walker and Danielle Shoults.Sahale, working in conjunction with Nakano Associates, Landscape Architects, conceived a master trail plan designed to accommodate the nearly 23,000 nature enthusiasts, equestrians, bicyclists and hikers who annually accessed the site. The trail system was designed to improve circulation, increase access for diverse recreational populations, and minimize recreational user group conflicts. Trail types included: soft surface trails of varying levels of difficulty; an ADA accessible self-guided interpretive nature trail which accessed both open water wetlands and mature forest ecosystems; and two multiple-use, paved regional trails.

The principles of ecological sustainability guided the establishment of design and construction parameters for trails and trail structures, to ensure a minimum of disruption to natural communities during the master planning and construction phases of the project.











Map & brochure courtesy Linda Feltner, Kristi Schwindt-Walker and Danielle Shoults.