Yellowstone National Park from Mt. Sheridan, WY (above).


Welcome to the Sahale world of swinging bridges, trails, and breathtaking landscapes! This web site is an archive of (some of) our projects, processes, places, and people. Together, we designed and built many dozens of bridges from Ethiopia to Hawaii and constructed hundreds of miles of trails.

Sahale LLC ceased operations in 2010, after the death of its founder and owner, Carroll Vogel. Learn More

You have probably crossed a Sahale bridge or used a Sahale trail. Sahale handiwork can be found all over the United States, whether you are hiking the Appalachian Trail, skiing the groomed ski trails of the Methow Valley in Washington State, backpacking the forest trails of the Oregon Coast, or trail riding the rugged backcountry of the High Sierra; Sahale was there to design and build trails and bridges that rest easily on the natural landscape, as aesthetically pleasing as they were functional.

Sahale bridges were designed to be simple and modular in concept. Every structure contained robust design elements in galvanized or weathering steel, galvanized or stainless cable, and the highest-quality forged hardware and fasteners. Our light suspension bridges could vault hundreds of feet, making them especially ideal for remote, rugged sites accessible only by trail or air. We designed, fabricated, and built them with care. Sahale’s philosophy was:

  • To design and build graceful and aesthetically-pleasing bridges that could be erected anywhere, even in the most remote locations.
  • To employ construction methods that resulted in minimal environmental disturbance, and were appropriate for Wilderness or National Park settings.
  • To rely on time-tested rigging and steel erection methods and practices.
Sahale was dedicated to the concept that integration of planning, design, engineering, and construction processes produced the most cost-effective, efficient, environmentally sensitive, and enduring end products. In the context of this design/build philosophy, Sahale always sought projects that demanded exceptional technical expertise, craftsmanship, sensitivity to the natural environment, and adherence to the highest principles of stewardship and conservation.



1992 - 2010